Secure Access Dashboard


Control what you previously couldn't. Eliminate lateral movement in the network and prevent end users from unknowingly clicking links that allow malware into the network.


Verify Privileged User Access

Verify Privileged User Access

Active Directory Admins have tremendous reach. Verify privileged access users before tasks are executed to prevent lateral movement with MFA.

Geofence Service Accounts

Geofence Service Accounts

Keep zombie service accounts from taking over your network. Geofence Service Accounts to the server they need access to limiting data exfiltration and reducing risk.

Secure Website Access

Secure Website Access

Take away distractions. Access only the sites needed for individual roles.

Prevent Malicious Site Access

Prevent Malicious Site Access

The quickest way to ransomware is by clicking malicious links. Stop them instantly by preventing links from connecting when clicked regardless of being on the network.

Visual Guide

Discover how Secure Access can fortify your organization against cyber threats.